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I started this team about 3 years ago and ever since then we have been getting together every week practicing strats, running drills, and just having fun.
everyone has been getting better at almost everything!

Our strats

obviously i cant give away our strats online but i can tell you about them. most of our strats have been proven to work and thus we use them quite often. we usualy write them down before we practice them then we change them. if you want some examples of our strategies please email me.

the team

Teak Wood Spinning Webbed Sphere

our ultimate goal is to play in the NELP (new england paintball leage).

Our drills

we run many drills such as:
atack and defend: one team has to hold a barn while the other atacks it. usualy the team on defence wins.
capture the flag: im sure you all know what capture the flag is, this game definetly takes the most stratagy.
charge and fire: this is the most energising drill to run, both teams start on oposite sides of the feild and then charge into each other while shooting. this teaches you not to fear the ball and to run while shooting at a moving target.
10 ft: in this game if you are shot from a distence farther then 10 ft it doesent count. this teaches you to move up.
zones: this drill can be very helpfull in most situations, lets say your down to three guys while the other team has five you all get together and cover your own zone, if this is done correctly you should win.



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